Are You Walking Around Naked?
Posted in armor of God, effective ministry, Patty's Posts, Spiritual Warfare 0 comments

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil" (Ephesians 6:11).
Have you ever sensed that you were under spiritual attack? I have experienced it many times -- most notably when involved in a ministry where people are set free who have long been Satan's prisoners.
Satan doesn't like it when we intrude and try to take what belongs to him. He does not relinquish captives without a fight, especially those he has held in his grip for decades.
But God has made ample provision for us in this battle. The armor of God is given so we will be able to "stand against the schemes of the devil." Why, then, do so many of us seem to live defeated lives? The trouble is twofold:
- We are ignorant about this wonderful provision.
- We know about it, but have not taken the necessary action to clothe ourselves.
If you feel like you are being pummeled in battle, consider whether you have forgotten to clothe yourself properly. In whom or what do you put your faith? Are you feeding on God's Word daily, and taking time to meditate on it? Do you pray for opportunities to share your faith, so that when God brings someone your way, you are instantly aware that it is a divine appointment?
I have encountered battles while fully clothed with God's armor, and I have encountered battles where I stood naked and vulnerable against my enemy. I much prefer being properly protected. God's purposes are always better served when we obediently heed His Word and take full advantage of the abundant provision He has made for us.
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