A Life of Gratitude Personified
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I have thought a lot about 1 Thessalonians 5:18 this past week. A dear woman of faith -- the mother-in-law of my husband's brother, Dave -- passed away at the age of 96. We traveled to Nebraska to attend her funeral.
Leora was one of the most grateful people I have ever had the pleasure to know. Over the years, I have heard her daughter, Betty, and granddaughter, Catharine, share stories about Leora's faith, and how she just rolled with whatever life handed to her.
I had known Leora since I married my husband nearly 34 years ago. In all those years, I never once heard this woman utter an unkind word. I never once heard her raise her voice. I never once saw her angry. What's amazing is that several people we met at the funeral all said the very same thing.
Leora lived 1 Corinthians 13. She was patient and kind. She was not envious or boastful or proud. She did not dishonor others and was not self-seeking. She was not easily angered, and did not keep a record of wrongs. When Leora and her husband were caretakers of a Christian camp in the Kansas City area, many young people were blessed to be mentored by them.
Leora lost her husband over a decade ago, and little by little over the years, her health deteriorated. Though she couldn't see well enough any longer to work her beloved crossword puzzles or watch TV, her wonderful attitude stayed intact. When her daughter, Betty, would call and ask how she was doing, Leora never missed the chance to say how very grateful she was for all the blessings in her life.
We can all learn a lot from a woman like Leora. Personally, my own attitude received a slap up the side of the head as I listened to loved ones testify about her. Though Leora didn't talk much about it, her strong faith was evident in how she lived, which is exactly what Jesus intends for us. Words can be clanging cymbals if we have not love. Even quoting Scripture can be devoid of meaning if we are mean-spirited or disrespectful of others.
The Scripture that came to my mind as I fondly remembered Leora is Galatians 5:6: "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Leora did just that -- and she did it well.
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