Pray for the Church in America!
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It takes about an hour and a half to mow our acre lot in the country. I often take advantage of the time to worship and pray. During one recent mowing, I was interceding for the persecuted Church -- in particular for two situations that had recently been in the news. In mid-August, a pastor's family in Sri Lanka was attacked, and their home nearly destroyed. About the same time, a pastor in Nigeria was attacked by Muslim extremists.
I was interceding in earnest, when suddenly God stopped me. He said, referring to the persecuted Christians, "These people KNOW Me; they are willing to give their very lives for Me! You need to pray for people in America who have been lulled into a false security by a watered-down gospel. Millions who think they are going to heaven don't even know Me!" Along with this grave word came an awful sense of dread and urgency.
As I prayed, God elaborated on the state of the American church:
- They embrace a gospel of convenience and comfort, rather than being willing to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Me.
- They run after false gods to titillate them and give them pleasure, rather than finding their joy in Me.
- They prefer messages that tickle their ears, rather than craving My Word.
- They espouse "cheap grace," desiring to be saved from hell, but not caring to give their lives as a living sacrifice.
- Instead of showing the world they are My followers by the love they have for one another, they bicker amongst themselves and their pride goes unchecked.
- Many churches are "white-washed tombs" -- elaborate structures full of dead men's bones.
- Many pastors lead their flocks astray. In an effort to be relevant and to attract more people, they refuse to preach My Word boldly. They preach abominations like a gospel of prosperity or a gospel where there is no absolute truth.
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' (Matthew 7:21-23)Ever since that day, I have prayed about what to do with this word. I didn't know if it was simply a call for me to intercede more urgently, or if it was something I was to share. Obviously since I am blogging about it, I feel like I am to share it with whomever has ears to hear.
Please, please, please...pray for the Church in America.
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