He will give you rest.
Posted in Hannah's post, rest, taking care of yourself 1 comments
Psalm 127:2 says, "It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones."
Next to sewing and writing, napping is one of my favorite activities. My baby book is filled with my over dramatic nature and photos of all the bizarre places I have laid my head:
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Awww, look at that little 4 year-old, narcoleptic Hannah. |
Potty Chair? Phffft. Napping for amateurs.
Under the dresser? Of course.
Dryer? Fresh, warm snuggles.
Toy bin? Well, it's not a good choice until you've slept on it, I say.
Plate of mashed potatoes? Oh, you better bring it.
Although, I do so enjoy a timely nap, the ease of falling asleep has often been my enemy. The truth is, I usually can't fight falling asleep. It's been quite irksome. I have slept through family events, fun times and even important moments. I imagine that I look like how the disciples felt during those crucial moments before Christ's betrayal. In Mark 14:37 Jesus asked Simon, "Are you asleep? Couldn't you keep watch for one hour?" Yikes. Can you imagine their guilt? As a middle schooler, I hated this sleepiness so much that I began to memorize Proverbs about sluggards and hoped that I would not be known as some lame and lazy complainer. But fight as I may, Mr. Sandman loves to party around my face and I am left being a sleepy Simon.
By high school, it was evident that I couldn't duel the drowsiness and win. And it was also clear cut that finding me curled up, sleeping somewhere was not chiefly considered as cute anymore. Eventually, I was given the same diagnosis that my Dad has - I am borderline narcoleptic. This means I can usually feel when sleepy time creeps up on me, but there isn't much I can do about it. If it's getting bad, I can get up and move, and that will stall the fatigue, but when sleepy time approaches, you best watch out. I am coming for your shoulder, or that couch, or, well, anywhere, really. I am just going to need to sleep.
It's safe to say that the only way to keep functioning is for me to shut down for a few minutes. My Dad and I call these shut downs "power naps," and if I can take as little as five minutes even of a solid doze, I can be good to go. Yes, this sleepy time feels a tad intrusive, but this is how my body works. This is how I take care of it.
So why am I telling you about which one of the seven Dwarfs I am most like? Because I feel our culture doesn't respect the importance of rest. Yes, rest is important. In Japan it is considered an honor to find your employees asleep, because it means they have been working hard. In traditional Italian towns, the stores still break for a few hours in the middle of their work day, just to take a few minutes, eat something, and simply rest. Friends, by failing to rest, we are rushing ourselves into the grave.
"But Hannah, God hates laziness," you say. Believers, the Lord worked real hard for six days and then He rested. I am not sure when or why, but somewhere we decided that the act of resting, or taking care of ourselves, is somehow a selfish act. There is a huge difference between taking time to rest and just being lazy. For me, I have the extra help of feeling like I need sleep, but that doesn't negate the fact I am a human and I need rest. We all need rest.
So what is rest? Is it always sleeping? I don't know. I know there are lots of things my friends consider as restful activities, but I find scary ... like bike riding. That does not appeal to me in the least, but I doubt sewing a spring dress with embroidered grass and stitched on gnome would appeal to them either, so you know, whatever is restful for you, do it. Take time to rest.
And yes, there are people that will abuse the idea of rest, but here's a news flash: People are jerks. We will abuse anything and everything. That's why it's crucial that we learn self-control. To know when to say when, essentially. God intended us to have balance in our lives. Work hard and rest well; that was the example He gave us from the beginning.
Your body needs rest. If you go too long without recharging, you will grow weary. Are you growing weary in your life? Do you need to take some time and take the Lord up on His gift of rest? Maybe you don't need physical rest, but rather mental rest from the stresses of your life. Jesus beckons to us all, "Come all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28-29.
Find rest and renewal from our Lord. He wants to give you rest, because He loves you.
Want to know more about how our busyness is bothersome to the Lord? Read what Jesus has to say to the two sisters in Luke 10:38-42.
Balance is something I regularly ask God to help me maintain. It is crucial if we are to function effectively and powerfully as His servants. And balance includes REST. Thank you, Hannah.
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