Freak, Geeks and Spiritual Middle School
Posted in called out, different, Not everyone will like you, strength in Christ 1 comments

"What's up, Buttercup?" I asked.
"Mom, my friend can't come over to play this summer. She says I am not welcome over at her house," she said with sad confusion.
Wanting to believe it was a misunderstanding, I asked, "Oh, well, why is that, Sweetie?"
"She says her dad does not like my parents," she mumbled.
"Honey, I've never even talked to the guy. He can't dislike me and Daddy. He doesn't know us."
A twinge of embarrassment swept across her precious little face and I felt completely helpless. There it was, the moment my daughter had to learn that sometimes people just don't like you, even if they don't know you.
We stopped walking, I bent down, hugged my little one and told her I was so sorry.
What an awkward feeling it is to be disliked before you are ever known. I've been there before and I'm sure you have too. With one simple, "I don't like you," you feel like you are not welcome, can't fit in, and just don't belong.
Up until last year, I have never felt like I belonged anywhere really. I was uncomfortable even in my own skin, but God called me out and I let Him start healing all those hurty parts. Not too long after that healing process began, I saw that my "I don't belong" mentality was nothing more than pride. And friends, pride is your enemy. It turns you into a self-absorbed and isolated shell. God has called us to focus on Him and spur on others. God can turn the "Aw, I don't belong," sad face to life lived in celebration that says "Thank God I've been set apart."
Friends, I've prayed since I was five that God would make me different. Raised in church, I have seen a lot of people come, go and walk away from the Lord. I didn't, and still don't, want to fall away. I want to be set apart, rebelling against the normal, raised up and ready to glorify my Savior. I want to be different, but being who God called me to be is not always easy. I know not everyone one is going to like me.
And here's the lesson, folks: Sometimes people don't like you.
Accept that truth and let it radiate freedom in your life. Romans 12:2 says, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, His good, pleasing and perfect will."
God does not want us to conform and simply fit in. John 13 says we will be known by our love. Quit trying to sit at the cool kids' table, guys. You don't belong there and thank God for that. You've been called to be set apart and God is going to raise you up for something awesome.
It's like that Whack-A-Mole game. If you acknowledge the Lord in your life and trust in Him, He will call you out and raise you up and use you to glorify His name. And when you are raised up, don't think that you won't have opposition. People don't like change. Transition and differences make the masses cranky, so you better believe you will have people lined up to smack you down.
Baby-cakes, you can be the sweetest sweet tea this side of the Mississippi, but there will always be people who loathe sweet tea. Don't let that discourage you or stop you from loving those who knock you down. You get back and up and love even more. Let others see your Father and your faith are not fickle. You know what you signed up for and you are ready to play this game. Say to yourself, "Bring it, mallet-wielding foes. I can take it. I am set apart and strong in Christ and I will love you even when you don't like me and try to knock me down."
I pray, whereever you are in life, you know that our God is bigger and better than your boldest bully. Learn to be okay that someone doesn't like you, cause, sugar, you can't control that, but you can control how you react to it. I pray you react with joy and you can remember God. He has brought you up and out of the drama of trying to fit in. You were made to be different.
Friends, let's stop being "normal" for Jesus. We were chosen, separated and place here to be a peculiar people. We don't just go with the crowd. We stand firm in our faith and learn to live a life of service to others, even those who don't like us.
If you can grasp that and let it resonate with you, you just graduated spiritual middle school. Congratulations. Now show others it's okay to move on from cliques and crews. You grew up. Now keep growing.
Ah, my dear friend, you hit the mole on the head again! :)
I learned a long time ago that there are lots of folks in this world who you couldn't please if you tried the rest of your life. Like you said, some hate for no reason, and that is the sad state of their miserable souls.
I try to remember the wonderful acronym "PBS," and I don't mean the public television station. When I try to minister to people or be kind and am given the ol' heave-ho, I just consider the source and think to myself, "Pearls Before Swine." And I don't mean that in a nasty way; I just mean that there are plenty of people out there who need the love of Jesus and genuinely want to change and grow, and I don't waste my time on those who have shown that they don't.
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