Life More Abundant

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I really enjoy a good action movie. It doesn't matter if it's war, syfy, comic, or just a man overcoming great obstacles. I enjoy them all.

It's the character development in those movies. It usually starts out with some guy who doesn't have his life all together. He/she is confused or abandoned and then the rest of the movie is spent getting answers and all the while becoming someone great. I love it!

It's like in the movie The Dark Knight Rises. Bruce Wayne ends up being at rock bottom...quite literally. He is in a deep chasm with no way of escape. His body is broken, his is broken mentally and emotionally as well. But time passes and he overcomes to save the day once again.

In the Bible we read about David. He started out as a nobody, or at least that's how everyone else viewed him. He was completely overlooked when Samuel came to anoint one of Jesse's sons as king. He was overlooked when it came time to go to war. Nobody thought much of David. Until he killed Goliath and cut off his head (that's right! 1 Samuel 17:51...didn't learn that in Sunday School).

There was a time when David had to flee from King Saul to save his life. He did this for years. During this time he gained a close group of men who became known as "David's Mighty Men." These guys were beast. In 1 Chronicles 11:22 we read about one of them:

"Benaiah son of Jehoiada was a valiant fighter from Kabzeel, who performed great exploits. He struck down two of Moab's best men. He also went down into a pit on a snowy day and killed a lion."

This man didn't just kill a lion. He went into a pit....on a snowy day. He sacrificed footing and visibility and still came out the victor.

Too often we look at our Christian life like "oh man...I have to go to church this morning. I have to give part of my paycheck...I have to be nice to that person....I have to pray for them...I have to go serve my community.....I have to make sacrifices." And our walk with God becomes blah. We do it begrudgingly and with no passion.

But what a great privilege it is to carry out the will of God! We are called to live a life so much greater than ourselves! We have been saved and now it is our mission to go into all the world and reach others for Christ! We are on a mission...and adventure! Jesus said "I have come to give you life and give it more abundantly." He came to give us true life!

Yes we we may not get the recognition that others receive but what we do have and will gain is so much more than that! We receive love from the Father. We have true life! And it is an amazing life, one to be lived out with joy. It is amazing that God has called each and every one of us to take part in this mission!

So go live it out! Overcome your obstacles. Slay your lions (maybe not literally). Take part in the wonderful Kingdom of God.