Return to Your First Love

Posted in By Patty Kennedy 1 comments

A few years ago, our sons presented me with an iPod for Christmas. At the time I wasn't sure how I would employ it, but it didn't take long for me to realize its value. Now I cannot imagine doing my daily three miles on the treadmill without it.

Last week during my workout, I listened to Steve Camp's "Open Heaven, Lord." Though I had heard it many times, this time was heart-wrenching for me, because the message is something God has been bringing to my attention over and over again of late. This verse in particular got me:
Jesus, Holy Lord
Our prayers are lifeless and cold.
Waken us up from the slumber of sin
And purify our lives within.
I am guilty of my prayers being lifeless and cold. Sometimes instead of remembering that my sovereign God has a perfect plan, I harp on how I want things to be done. Instead of praying for His will to be done, I babble about my personal gripes and irritations.

It is the same with the Church (capital "c" because I mean church universal). We make ourselves the butt of the world's jokes and the object of its disdain because, more often than not, we behave like anything but disciples of Jesus Christ. We want things our way. Some gripe about how the music at church is too loud or how there just aren't enough of the "good old hymns" anymore. Others gripe that there are too many hymns, and not enough upbeat music. Still others lament the fact that donuts are not served anymore -- only bagels.

A friend of mine recently shared a conversation she had with someone who had attended a church for just a few weeks, and said she didn't think it was a right fit. Normally that wouldn't be unusual, because sometimes you know after one visit if a church isn't right for you. But the woman's reasoning is what caused my friend to lovingly confront her. When pressed a little about why she didn't think this church was right, her first comment was about the music.

My friend very diplomatically suggested that if the type of music played was her only complaint, perhaps she needed to rethink why she attends church at all. And she is exactly right. Friends, do you look for church services that will entertain you and ensure that you are not bored for 90 minutes every Sunday? Or do you go because you thirst for God, as the psalmist does in Psalm 42? Do you prefer to hear clever anecdotes and stories from the pastor, because the truth of God's Word makes you feel uncomfortable?

God is calling His Church to awaken, my dear brothers and sisters. He is calling us to stop fattening ourselves with mindless entertainment so that we can feast on the Bread of Life. He is calling us to circumcise our hearts that have become calloused due to sin.

The rest of Steve Camp's song asks God to refresh and renew His people, and restore us to our first love. It may not be your kind of music, but I encourage you to give it a listen:!/search/song?q=Steve+Camp+Open+Heaven+Lord