How Indiana Jones taught me to trust the Lord.

Posted in By Hannah 1 comments

You are either walking in a storm, coming out of the storm or about to go into a storm. There are no exceptions. Loving the Lord will not make hurts go away. If you were told this, you were lied to.

Last week my heart was broken for several of my friends in the midst of epic, raging storms. I stood in the middle of my own storm and prayed that the God of peace would wrap His arms around them and I prayed they would stand strong in hope and walk boldly in faith. I prayed that they would continue to put their trust in God the Father, because He will never violate their trust.

The next morning my Twin called to give me an update on his absurd storm. He then turned what could have easily been a whine-a-thon back into praise for the Lord and His endless provision. He didn't call to simply update, he called to spur me on with the Word of God. He had read that morning in his devotion that God doesn't walk away from us, nor does He always spare us from hurts. In Isaiah 43:2 it says, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze." Notice friends, God does not say you won't have to go through those places - He simply says that He will be with you and those things will not destroy you. You still gotta go through it, though.

I needed to hear that, and what a joy it was to hear it from a dear friend who was in the middle of a storm too. That is what we call a testimony! I thanked him for the timely word and we praised God that He is there to give us all a place to stand when we feel things are falling apart. My Twin, knowing my love of nerdy cult movie references, said, "Yes, it's like that scene in Indiana Jones. Remember? He had to step down, walk by faith, but just as it looked like he was about to fall, a place was provided to stand." That's how God works, friends. We need to step out in faith and trust the Lord that regardless of how scary things seem, He is there for you, providing exactly what is needed. It might be an invisible bridge, but, sweetie, it's still there. It's your choice to take the next step.

When I hung up the phone, I wiped my tears and my son, Indiana Jones (I know), says, "Geez, that was dramatic." I love how God always provides a bit of humor with the hurts. I hugged my son and I then pulled out the Indiana Jones movies and watched that amazing scene again. Friends, as my Dad would say, "That'll preach."

Today, be encouraged you are not alone. God is with you. You keep walking in faith, pray for His peace and trust in God, because He loves you. Life doesn't make sense and this world is real mean, but what you need has already been provided. If you can't see that, take the focus away from the hurt and turn your eyes back to the Lord. Pray with me that whatever happens, we will learn to be content and we will continue to trust our Father. I love you, friends. Be encouraged and keep walking in faith.