Are You Living Up to Your DNA?

Posted in By Patty Kennedy 1 comments

Twice in the past week, I have listened to sermons
in which the pastor referred to DNA. Not the DNA that forensic scientists and the FBI use to identify bodies or chase criminals or determine parenthood, but spiritual DNA.

We all have scientific DNA; we are born with it. But sometimes we forget we also have a spiritual DNA. According to 2 Corinthians 5:17, anyone who belongs to Christ has become a whole new person.

In an age where many people use the term "genetically predispositioned" to excuse a multitude of less than stellar behaviors and attitudes, the Christ follower must stand head-and-shoulders above the crowd. We must remember, according to a sermon I heard at a gathering of Chi Alpha students, "We are not genetically predispositioned to live a life less than what the Lord meant for us to live."

Ouch. Does that mean I can't blame my parents or my upbringing or sexual abuse or (fill in the blank) for my behavior? Yes, my friend, that's exactly what it means. Being a new creature in Christ means not allowing anything from your past to control your present and future.

Last week our pastor preached about our pilgrimage as Christians, and how often there is a disconnect between how we do life on Sundays and how we do life the rest of the week. That's when I heard the second reference to DNA:
He's implanted a DNA in us that's being ignored.
How right he is. Have you ever felt miserable and out of sorts and couldn't put your finger on just why you felt that way? I have, countless times. And ultimately, when I work through it all and allow God to speak to me, it comes down to this: I am ignoring my DNA. The inner turmoil is because God has created me to be one way, and I persist in being another.

Friends, I am not saying that our past doesn't matter. I am not suggesting that horrific childhood memories be simply "forgotten" (as if we could do such a thing). It is important to work through these things, especially as it relates to understanding our present behavior. But once we have worked through it and forgiven whomever we need to forgive, we need to lay it at God's feet and leave it there. As Oswald Chambers says, "Let the past sleep, but let it sleep on the bosom of Christ."

Are you stuck in the past, reliving memories? Have you given things to God, only to take them back again because you think He can't handle it correctly? If so, repent of your lack of faith and trust in God, and begin living up to your DNA. Then and only then can you begin to pursue the life your heavenly Father has planned out for you.