Bird Feeder Theology

Posted in By Patty Kennedy 1 comments

 My husband and I live on an acre of land in the country. From our sun porch, I take pleasure in watching the various birds that come to our feeder. Now that it's winter, I delight especially in the cardinals, and they are strikingly beautiful against a freshly fallen blanket of snow.

As I watched one day, a biblical parallel became obvious. One small house finch came and began to feed. Another bird came, but quickly flew away. And another, and another. Over the course of about 10 minutes, this little finch never wavered from his stance, though many other birds came and went.

I couldn't help but think of the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42). While Martha was distracted by all the "busy work" in the household, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and would not be deterred. Martha expected Jesus to take her side and tell Mary to help out, but Jesus said, "Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

I must confess that oftentimes I am more like Martha -- more like the birds whose feet would barely touch the feeder before they flew away. I begin to pray and get distracted, instead of just maintaining my position and "feeding" on God's Word. I think of things that need to be done, and have a hard time focusing.

A wise friend once encouraged me to keep a notepad handy when I am having my quiet time with God. Then when my time of prayer or reading is interrupted by thoughts of things that need to be done, I simply make a note (so I won't forget to do whatever it is) and proceed in my time with God. I remind myself that time spent with Him is ETERNAL, and all that other stuff is temporal. If I hope to live and move in the power of His Holy Spirit each day, time with God is not simply desirable -- it's indispensable.

Lord, help us to be like the steadfast house finch who never moved from his place, despite all the distractions around him. May we be like Mary, and choose what is better.