Skewed Ideas About God's Love

Posted in By Patty Kennedy 0 comments

I love this quote by Andrew Murray (see graphic at right). We can never be good enough or clever enough to earn God's love. He loves us because we are His children, created in His image.

I confess I have struggled with skewed ideas about the love of God. It is so stupendous that simple-minded human beings have difficulty wrapping our minds around it. Particularly if you have been raised by harsh parents who only expressed love if you "performed" to their liking, embracing the Father heart of God is a big stretch.

Over the years, I have talked with dear brothers and sisters in Christ who have expressed some of the same struggles, which is why I wanted to blog about this subject. I hope to clear up some common misconceptions about the love of God.

Someone very dear to me (I'll call her Jill) struggled with infertility for years. She believed God was punishing her because she had an abortion as a teenager.

Another sister confessed she was scared to death to give herself entirely to God, for fear that something dreadful would happen. She had recently come to me for mentoring and was making progress in her Christian life, when suddenly her beloved grandfather died. She was convinced that his passing was a direct result of her walking in newness of life.

These are very real concerns. In a society where Christians condemn abortion and show little compassion to women who have experienced it, no wonder Jill thought her infertility was a curse from God. After I helped her to see that her theology was faulty, I prayed for God to open her womb. Eventually Jill was able to conceive, and gave birth to a son. To show Jill how much He loved her, God added another little bonus -- her son was born on the anniversary of the abortion. A calendar date that once brought condemnation is now a cause for celebration.

The fear about giving oneself entirely to God is a common one. People seem to be convinced that one of two things will happen:
  • something terrible will happen to someone they love
  • God will ask them to move to some horrible place to be a missionary
Where does this theology come from? Well, from a lack of love on our part, for one thing. God loves us so passionately that He sent Jesus to die for our sins. And Jesus says whoever wants to be His disciple must take up their cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). That's where we bristle, I think. We read that and groan, and wonder what our "cross" will look like.

The problem with all this is our FOCUS, my friends. All of these fears are about US, and saving our own hides. When our thoughts take this kind of trajectory, it is clear that we are not in a good place with God.

Jeremiah 31:3 says God loves us with an everlasting love. Zephaniah 3:17 says God will quiet us with His love, and rejoice over us with singing! One of my favorites is 1 John 3:1: "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" If we truly believed God loves us like this, we would stop fretting about our own sorry selves.

True love for God is expressed in a zeal that wants to spend every waking minute in His presence -- and that is our birthright as His children! We can have unbroken communion with Him, constantly pouring out our hearts in thanksgiving and praise and worship. The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth (John 16:13), and help us discern God's will for our lives. Micah 6:8 says it very simply: "What does the Lord require of you, but to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?"

For some, following Jesus may mean going to a dangerous mission field. For all of us, it will mean suffering at times. Jesus said we will experience tribulation in this world (John 16:33). John 15:20 says, "A servant is not greater than his Master; if they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also." Salvation is a free gift, but following Jesus comes at great cost.

God's love for us is not in question here -- it's our love for God. We are selfish and want to live comfortable, convenient lives. When we truly understand His love for us, we will love Him selflessly in return, and every day offer our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). His love for us will compel us to be emptied of ourselves so that we can pour out our lives in service to Him. Everything we do, when done joyfully unto Him, can be a sacrifice of praise!

"There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear" (1 John 4:18). We will have no fear when we are secure in God's love for us, and love Him with all our hearts.