What Happened to the Sanctity of the Marriage Ceremony?

Posted in By Patty Kennedy 0 comments

Recently my husband and I have been privileged to attend a number of weddings. We consider it an honor to stand with young people who are committed to God and each other. We understand the seriousness of the wedding ceremony, and that we are not there merely to observe -- those who attend are expected to actively support the bride and groom by praying for them and being there for counsel if/when needed.

At one of the ceremonies we attended, a couple sat next to us and we chatted briefly. During that time, we found out they are missionaries.

Imagine my disbelief, then, when the man proved to be one of the most self-absorbed individuals I have ever had the misfortune to meet. I witnessed what in my experience is a new low when it comes to disrespect and boorishness in a joyous public celebration.

Before the ceremony began, this man whipped out his cell phone and began playing a game on it. Throughout the entire thing, he sat there mesmerized by his phone. Through the sacred vows. Through the bride's tears, and the groom lovingly wiping them away. He didn't even look up when the couple was pronounced man and wife. And yes, he missed the kiss, too.

I would sort of understand if this person was a young teenager, or a child whose parents gave him a game to play to quiet him during the ceremony. And I would understand if he was a nonbeliever who simply didn't understand the sanctity of marriage. But this was a grown man who, as a missionary, should understand what God has to say about a man and a woman becoming one flesh.

I thought perhaps his wife would ask him to turn off his phone, but when he was stumped at one point about the game, she took the phone and played it for him! My husband and I couldn't believe it -- and it's not just because we're old fuddy-duddies. Our 22-year-old daughter-in-law, who was sitting with us, couldn't believe it either.

In society today, marriage is seen as irrelevant by an increasing number of people. Christ followers don't need to add to that warped view by being publicly irreverent during a holy celebration of a man and woman being joined together.