Never Changing

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It is amazing how much people resist change. Now don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of change. I need plenty of time to prepare.

My wife understands this about me. If she is planning on rearranging our furniture, she always makes sure to tell me. She learned that if she didn't it would take me about a week to get used to the new arrangement. I mean sure it looks good...but it's different!

This morning I saw that Monopoly is taking away the iron piece and replacing it with a cat. Reading through the comments on the post I saw all kinds or resistance (not that it will do any good). "Why can't they just leave things alone?" was a question many people were asking.

Even thought we don't really like change, it happens around us all the time. Family changes, we move, or others move, laws change, even our tastes change. It is just something that happens in life.

This is why I love God so much. Check these out:

"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." - James 1:17

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever" Hebrews 13:8

How wonderful! Even when everything else changes, our God does not. He stays the same! He is consistent!

For this reason He is called things like our rock, our fortress. He doesn't move. The precepts He has put in place are the same now as they were when the Church first began.

We can trust Him to keep His word because He always has! He loves us and always will!

What a great reassurance that even when our world feels like it is slipping away, our God stays the same.