What I Though About During the Oscars

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I watched the Oscars. There, I said it. Not only did I watch it, but I had been looking forward to watching it.

I enjoy these award shows. I'm not sure why. My wife and I DVR it, lay the boys down and we sit down to watch and fast forward through the commercials.

I was a little excited even to see what Seth MacFarlane did. Now, after it's all said and done, I'm glad I watched.

MacFarlane made a lot of jokes throughout the night. Some funny, some a little more colorful, and others that were down right mean or inappropriate. But one really stuck with me.

At one point in the night he said "It's [the Oscars] a lot like church, only there are more people praying."

When I heard him say that I went from sitting to laying down and I held my stomach. I actually felt the jab in that comment. It hurts when it's true.

We really do not pray enough. We don't pray like the early church prayed. When someone was imprisoned, they gathered to pray.

While waiting on the "gift" that Jesus would send, they gathered to pray.

Paul often wrote to the churches asking them to pray because he knew they would. He knew it would be more than a "ok we will." and then right before seeing Paul again they hurry and say a prayer so they could say they've been praying.

We do a lot of talking about praying. We send out emails or make phone calls to make sure everyone knows what is happening, but when we get those do we stop what we are doing and pray?

Do we pray before a Bible study? during? afterward?

Do we pray with our families before meals? before bed? before leaving for work?

Do we pray for missionaries that we know on a daily basis?

Our church just had a ladies prayer night on Monday which I thought was awesome! Then I thought about how long it had been since I heard about one. Then I thought about why I never hear about a men's prayer night. Or a all church prayer night.

Prayer is our connection with God. It actually makes a difference. We need to stop talking about prayer and really start doing it. For our families, friends, missionaries, those who don't know Christ, our enemies, and for everyone and everything. Our world would be a much different place if God's people actually talked with God and it is way passed time we start.