A/C Christianity

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I heard someone say recently, "If we don't have a good A/C working in the sanctuary people may come for a couple weeks but then they will stop coming." That one comment has been on my mind a lot since hearing it a few weeks ago.

What does that say about our faithfulness to Christ? The Church is the bride of Christ. He loves the Church so much that He died for her. So for Christians to say, "I love Jesus but I hate the Church," it doesn't make sense. If you told me you hated my wife I would terminate our friendship.

So one way we show our faithfulness to Christ is by being involved with the Church. Hebrews 10:25 commands that we are "not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near." 

The church is to be a vibrant gathering of worshipers. We live out our faith each and everyday and then it is a joyful thing to meet together regularly with other Christians.

There are Christians in other countries who have to secretly travel just to meet together. But they still do it. They long for the community that comes only from the body of Christ. They deeply desire, as a deer desires water, for the teaching of the Word of God! 

Many times they meet with very little light, no a/c or heat, and if someone finds them, they could very likely be taken to prison or put to death.

But here we sit in our comfortable, big chairs and if the glare off the screens are a bit much we complain. 

If we sang one too many hymns or one too many contemporary we go after the worship leader. 

If the preacher goes into the kick-off then we skip next Sunday.

If the temperature in the sanctuary isn't satisfactory then we find another church where it is...even if we don't agree with all their theology.

How pathetic we have become! It should bring us joy just to meet with other Christians! We get to come together and be the body of Christ but we act like we have membership in some country club.

Lets set our hearts on the things of God. Lets gain some perspective about what other Christians are doing all over this world. Lets not allow our "This is America and I have the right to do whatever I want!!" attitudes permeate the Church. Because when we became Christians, we gave up all our wants and desires for His.

And if the temperature isn't exactly to your liking...remember those dying for their faith.