Following with Great Faith

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My wife and I have been watching The Bible series that's currently airing on the History Channel on Sunday nights. We have really enjoyed it.

Yes, I know they have not showed all the stories. Yes, I know not every single detail is exactly correct. But think about the opportunity it now provides you to have those conversations with people in your community who may not go to church but who watch TV!

Anyway, last night Jenny and I were talking and she started sharing thoughts about how she felt some people in the OT had to have some strong faith.

Abraham had God speak directly to him. He heard God's voice, so either he could have thought he was going crazy, or he needed to follow God! But all those people who followed Abraham never had God speak to them. They just had to have faith that Abraham knew what he was talking about.

Isaac had a connection with God similar to his father's and Jacob did as well. Joseph could interpret dreams. But everyone else had to trust that this family wasn't just being egotistical, but that they actually heard God and wanted what was best for everyone.

Think about that happening today. Most of the time we would brush somebody off. "Well how come God hasn't said anything to me?! What? You think you are more special than me?"

I'm sure some felt that way, but they still followed! It didn't make sense. It was against the norm. They never heard the audible voice of God. They still followed!

We have the very words of God written out for us. Any instructions we need are in the pages of the Bible. He speaks to us. Often calling us to a life that doesn't make sense. A life where we have to step out and trust that God isn't going to let us fall. It reminds me of this:

Following is hardly ever easy. It often makes no sense. Sometimes we don't even have all the details ("Go to the land I will show you" "Um God where is that?" "I'll show you later...just go."). Other people may think you are crazy for following with such passion. But God will reward it.

God loves us and will always take care of us as we live out our faith. So don't let your fear stop you. Take your leap.