Know What You Believe

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone! It has been a wonderful day!

What do you do when you encounter a nonbeliever? Do you enter into a debate with them hoping to change their minds? Do you get angry and become argumentative with them? Or maybe you are quite and say nothing at all. No matter how you handle it, you have to know what you believe. Your faith has to be strong and you must be sure of what you believe. The enemy is smart and he knows your weaknesses. He will use the nonbeliever words to place doubt in your mind.

How do you protect yourself from this kind of attack? In my church we always say, 'Stay prayed up'. That means that we always need to be in constant communication with our Heavenly Father. Ask Him to show you the pitfall of the devil before you fall into them. Stay in His Word. Read your Bible everyday, more than once a day. It is the food for your soul. Fellowship with our believers. Seek counsel from other children of God, we are here to help each other. These are the things that will protect you from the enemy.

You must know what you believe, or you will fall for anything.

Have a very blessed weekend everybody!