Scarred for Life

Posted in By brigitte 0 comments

I'm working through a Bible study with an amazing group of Jesus-loving folks. Seriously, I adore these people. We meet in the home of the teacher and his wife. I love everything about their home...the aesthetics, the coziness, the evidence of toddlers found in every corner of a room, and the very foundation on which it was built -- Jesus.

We are a diverse group of various ethnicity, churches, and backgrounds yet have everything in common in Jesus. We represent a people who have stepped out in obedience to answer God's call to the Harvest (Matthew 9:37).  Jesus calls his people to be disciples who make disciples (Matthew 28:19). Our time together is rich, God-breathed, and sacred. The Bible says that when two or more gather together in the name of Jesus, He is also present (Matthew 18:20).

Several weeks into this study now and we have found ourselves in the deep waters of the Scriptures (aka Holy Bible, the Word, the Gospel). God's Holy Word -- God-breathed, sacred, mysterious, revelation and Truth. Hebrews 4 says that the Word of God is alive and active. Amen. We are learning how to share God's Word with others in a more authentic, personal, and loving way. It is evident that when sharing the Gospel with others it is imperative to interlace our own experience of Christ's power in our lives with the Scripture truths.

For me, sharing my past struggles helps me relate to the other person. It lets her know that she is not alone in her pain. My vulnerability encourages her to be vulnerable before the Lord because He is a safe place to find refuge. He is mighty to save (Zephaniah 3:17). This kind of relational evangelism is displayed for us in the life and teachings of Jesus. He is a personal Savior.

Jesus showed us how to share our scars with others in a very literal, authentic, and practical way. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples. He greeted them, "Peace be with you!" (for Jesus, the Prince of Peace who had paid for our sins and conquered death, was now with them) Then he showed the disciples his scarred hands and side.

Just like that.

His scars (stripes) on full display. Oh my soul, I want to be that type of Christian! What an impact we could have on the lost if we all lived so transparently. People need to know that even though we will suffer injustice in this life...painful, unbearable, hurts...Jesus has overcome. The worst of pains...even death...will be only a scar if we surrender it all to the power and authority of Jesus Christ. In Him alone we find a hope and a future.

My paraphrase of John 20:19-29...

"Peace is with you now for I am the Prince of Peace! I have gone through the worst torture and death for you. So what may seem so unbearable and heartbreaking in your life today, know that I have conquered it. I am the Resurrection and the Life. You will live beyond the pain of this circumstance. See my side? There is hope. dear, doubting Thomas...believe in me, your resurrected Savior. There is hope."

Ask God to reveal to you who needs to see your scars. Relieve them of their loneliness and doubting. Lead them to the Gospel of a hope found only in the Savior Jesus Christ.