
Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good afternoon everyone!
Woooooo! It has been a long week, but God has brought us to this point, Praise Him!!!
Sometimes as we get older we begin to want to stay to ourselves. We get into a groove of life and we become comfortable, sometimes too comfortable. We don't want to come out of our groove to try new things, meet new people, do something different. But what we fail to realize is, we must break out of our mold in order to grow. A seed can't become a plant if it doesn't break it's shell. A caterpiller won't be a butterfly if it doesn't brust the cacoon. If we want to grow spritually, we must know that there is something Bigger than oursevles. We have to be open to do something that we have never done before. We must be willing to talk to people that we don't know. We must be ready to go places we have never been. We must be obediant to God when He calls us to action. We have to be prepared to be BIGGER than we could ever imagine we could be!!!
Have a blessed day everybody!!!