Never Stop

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Hello everyone!
Happy Saturday to you all!!! I'm soooooo sorry about not posting last week, I completely forgot. No excuses, just not thinking!!!
This week I want to talk about a subject that is near and dear to my heart, learning. Learning is why I became a teacher. I wanted every child that has ever been told that they can't learn something, that actually they can. Growing up I had learning difficulties. Reading comprehension and math did not come easy for me, so school was hard. It wasn't until college when a math teacher taught me how to study did I finally get it and learning became fun for me.
Learning is a life long process, we should never stop learning. Especailly God's Word. A friend of mine said this week, "You never graduate from Sunday School." That is so true. God reveals things to us little by little so that we can understand His purpose better. If He let us have it all at once, it would blow our minds!
So, we can never stop learning, growing, understanding what He is teaching us. Luke 6:40 says, "A student is never better than the teacher, but a student who is well trained wil be like the teacher." That is what I want to be, like the Great Teacher Jesus. I want to be just like Him when I grow up!
Have a very blessed day everybody!!!