Looking For Answers

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good morning everyone!
It is going to be a beautiful day today! Once again I must apologize for not posting last week. It seems that when I get off of my set routine, I forget things. I don't know if it is my age or what, but I am sorry.          
This week I want to ask you all a question, where do you go to find answers to some of the questions of life that come up, whether they be spiritual or not? Do seek counsel from family, friends, co-workers, strangers? Who do you talk to? The Bible say to seek the counsel of those who are Godly and wise. We were discussing this in Bible study this week and one person said ask God. How simple, ask the One that has ALL the answers! He can tell you whatever you need or want to know. Our problem is, He doesn't always give us the answer we want and it is not always immediate. He gives us the truth, in His own way and in His own time. But, you can bet that it is ALWAYS the right answer!
So, the next time you have a question, look to the One that made the test.
Have a very blessed day everybody!