No Fear

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good day all!
I pray everyone is having a great weekend. Throughout the course of our lives we learn to be afraid of many things. When I was young I was afraid of the dark and of dogs. Both of those fears came from my sisters. Some people are afraid of heights, flying, closed in spaces and countless other phobias. All are learn from others or first hand experience.
But God told us not to be afraid because He is with us always, even unto the end! I heard a preacher say once, 'That God has already lived our life, He's been at the beginning, in the middle and at the end. He already knows what is going to happen.' I thought about that and it is true, so, if we trust in Him and follow His lead, we have nothing to be afraid of, He's already been there, done that. He knows how our story ends and so do we, VICTORY!!!
So, No Fear, No Worries! Thank You Jesus!!!
Have a very blessed day everybody!!!