Looking Like a Fool

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You may or may not know this about me (I can't remember if I have mentioned it before) but I am kind of a nerd.

I know, I know. You are sitting back thinking "What?! I've read some of this guy's posts and they are so well thought out and straight forward. He seemed like such a normal guy.

Well I am...or at least I think I am. But I'm also a nerd.

I am so very excited to go see The Hobbit in theaters. I won't be one of those guys who see it opening day, or maybe even opening week, but I will see it.

I am also very excited to see the new Superman movie which is coming out in June. My wife and I watched the trailer for it yesterday and she said, "That looks pretty good." Then she looked over at me and saw my reaction and said "Don't cry." As I said...very excited.

Thinking through the emotions I feel about these movies and other nerdy things, makes me think about other stuff that captures my attention. Then I wonder if I display the same level of excitement for real events as I do for the land of the make believe.

The Word became flesh. Jesus "did not consider equality with God something to be grasped but made Himself nothing, taking on the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness." (Philippians 2:7) Do you understand what I'm saying?!

God....became man.
God... made Himself a little lower than the angels (Heb 2:9)
God...loves us enough to die for us!

This is absolutely huge. I'm talking going outside, running around and making a fool of yourself huge.

In the Old Testament when the Ark of the Covenant was brought back in to the city, David danced around and made a fool of himself because he was so excited. His wife was embarrassed by his actions, but he didn't care. He wanted everyone to know his excitement!

People go to movies dressed as characters from the LOTR, Star Wars, or any superhero movie to show their excitement and devotion to these fake people.

I'm not saying that we should go around making a fool of ourselves. But maybe we should keep in mind that "the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing." (1 Cor 1:18).

Those outside of Christ are going to find our excitement foolish and maybe even down right stupid.

But our God came to this earth and has offered us salvation. Remember that as we continue in our Christmas season.

That is something to show some excitement for.