Watch What You Say!

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone!!! I pray that you have had a great weekend, I know I have!

Being a high school Special Ed. teacher, I find myself telling my students to watch their mouths a lot. I have noticed that they use very colorful language like it is second nature, my have times have changed. But I am not going to talk about the down fall of the English language in America.

I want to speak about what we say to ourselves. I have found myself saying and thinking many negative things about myself and my life. What we think and say is what we become. Plain and simple. I thoughts and words are so powerful that God said in His word '...the tongue is sharper than a two edge sword.' Words have power! God spoke and the world came into existence. Words have power!!! That is why we have to watch what we say each other and to ourselves. I am a living witness that you can speak to a situation in your life and it will come to pass, good or bad.

Speak positive things into your life. Think positive thoughts about yourself. It is a very difficult thing to do, because we are so use to thinking badly about ourselves and putting ourselves down that it has become a habit. Replace those negatives with positives and your life will change in a dramatic way. God gave us the spirit of love and a sound mind, not fear and confusion. "He saw the best in me..." See what God sees when He looks at us, THE BEST!!!

Have a very blessed evening everybody!!!