Over Here

Posted in By Hannah 2 comments

I love to stay up late in the summer and love to get up early in the winter. Those are the times that my house is the stillest. As a loud person, I have grown to crave the simple quiet of a calm house. There is something so precious about having a few minutes of peaceful solitude. For me those brief moments with my Mama's tear-stained Bible, a quiet house and a very big God are absolutely crucial to maintain a healthy head and happy heart.

When I was very little my parents were big Bill Gaither fans. They used to listen to a song called, "God Loves to Talk to Little Boys While They're Fishing." I know, but as silly as the title is, the point of the song was to say God talks to us when we find someplace quiet. Friends, I urge you to take a few minutes and find someplace quiet. Let God speak to you.

A few mornings ago I woke up around 5 a.m. to my beautiful little 6-year-old standing beside my bed. Blinking heavily, I sat up and asked her, "What's wrong?"  The conversation proceeded like this:
"Nothing's wrong. I just heard God talk to me," she says gleefully.
Amused, I inquired,"Oh.What did He say?"
"Over here."
"Over here?" I skeptically ask.
"Yeah! He didn't tell me right or left. He just wants me to find Him and stay close."
Oh friends. What can you say to that?

I am happy to report that I did, in fact, hold it together. We talked about hearing God and I told her the story of Samuel in the temple (1 Samuel 3.) She said, "Yeah, Mom. He didn't know it was God at first, but Mom, I totally know it was God." Her joy and confidence thrills me beyond words, but as soon as my little faithful believer was back in bed, I straight-up bawled.

To be six years old and just get it. Man, I am just in awe.

Friends, God wants you to find Him and stay close. Things are getting weird, people are so sad, and the world is weary. There are wars, there will be hurts and life is not always easy, but find time to find that peace. Seek peace, find God, let Him speak to you.

"Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." Psalm 34:14