New kid in town.....

Posted in By brigitte 1 comments

Hello people! I am so pumped to join this amazing group of Christian bloggers at Hammer on Anvil. These Jesus-loving folks have entertained, challenged, and comforted me through each and every post I've read. I love Jesus-people. And I love Jesus, people! You will get to know a lot more about me (like it or not) with every post. Hopefully, I don't scare anyone off with my sarcasm, frankness, or cussing rebel ways. I promised not to cuss. Not even the 'nice' cuss words. Christians and their rules (said with a shaking fist)!

Without further ado...

Living purposefully

My pastor began this past Sunday’s service by leading us in a time of reflection and prayer. He prompted us to reflect on God’s love for us…His insurmountable love. For. us. (Jo 3:16) As we let those thoughts wash over us to really penetrate our hearts, the Spirit whispered to me, “your family.”

Oh yes, Lord. My family. I can love others well…as long as they aren’t my family. We are a bit dysfunctional to say the least... probably a lot like yours. Relationships and communication aren’t what they should be. What is more disturbing is that there are several members of my immediate family who have not accepted the love freely given by the Lord Jesus Christ.

So as I sat in church being completely consumed by the flood that is God’s love for me…my family sat in darkness. Oh my soul.

Purposeful. Intentional. Prayerful. These are the words that pounded in my head. What am I doing to love my family? We barely speak –which, if you didn't know, makes it super difficult to share the Gospel. Seriously, not even a facebook poke or emoticon text is sent their way to let them know I truly care (sarcasm.You'll catch on). I resolved right there at God’s altar that this would be a year of intentionality with my family relationships. A new year’s resolution, if you will. No, those never work. Lord knows I still have this cussing problem. I'm pretty sure this will involve surrender and humility. Always does.

Who has God put in your life that lives in darkness? Take that first step to building a healthy relationship with them…PRAY! Apart from God we can accomplish nothing. In Him, ALL things are possible.

“We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.” 1 John 4:19-21 NIV84