
Posted in By Mike Johns 1 comments

I have been in a prolonged study of Hebrews. It is such an intriguing book. There is so much depth in the writing and it has proven to be quite a challenge to me.
In chapter 2 it says this: "Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it."
A wise man once said that when we see the word "therefore" that we need to see what it's there for. This is the picture that is painted... That Jesus is supreme - I love that word, it reminds me of how I like my pizza! No offense to those of you who like cheese pizza, but what a WASTE of a good pizza! My philosophy is pack as many toppings on that pizza as possible. That is what the writer is saying that Jesus is all that and more. Continuing on, they talk about angels and how Jesus is much better than them, as they are "ministering spirits" sent out for a purpose.
THEREFORE - we must pay close attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. It is so easy to drift. In a culture that is full of hurt, pain, disappointment, and discouragement - we can easily drift. In fact, many times we find ourselves drifting without even noticing it. We put life in cruise control, or we just check in and zone out.
Be careful not to drift... Jesus is worth it, He is supreme and is worth our effort to stay connected to Him.