
Posted in By Brett T Kelley 0 comments

When in college, I worked at the local bowling alley to pay the bills. An interesting job and quite enjoyable, most of the time. I liked the League bowlers, but at times some took advantage of me being a stationary person they could talk at. Yes, I mean talk at; it wasn't a conversation, but a "let me tell you everything as I see it." Not necessarily a bad thing, but geez. At those times I prayed that a machine would break down or there would be another customer to release me from my bondage.

On such an occasion, Tim began to talk to me of his view of the End Times. He assured me that he wasn't a date-setter, but he thought it interesting. He then proceeded to tell me how he had figured out a few things to where Jesus would return in a certain year. I politely listened, but did not agree in the least with his conclusion.

Recently (for the second time this year) Harold Camping made a prediction for Jesus' return. He had predicted the end of the world for May 21, but after it didn't happen, he changed it to Oct 21...last Friday. Obviously, it didn't happen (again). I am among the first to make fun of these predictions and the people that fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Yet, at the same time, I feel a tinge of disappointment.

There are times that I am quite satisfied with my life and how things are around me. Yet, as I listen to the news, hear the troubles and all the crap that is going on around the world; at those times I begin to long for Jesus' return. Can you relate? In the meantime I must rest in the assurance that He is always with us and promises that he will return soon. May our response be "Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!"
