Spiritual competition

Posted in By JerrodTune 0 comments

This weekend, I will be out of town, speaking at a Youth Retreat, on the topic of spiritual purity. One of the sub-topics that will arise is that of having the appearance of holiness and judging one another by fleshly standards. I was surfing through some old emails this week, and came across one that contained a devotion that I had written back in 2003. I love that the truth of God's word never gets old, you just grow with it. I just wanted to share this little devotional with you.

"Spiritual Competition"

One of the most defeating diseases that can infect a body of believers is an atmosphere of spiritual competition. The Disciples of Christ showed us that one extremely poisonous tactic of Satan is to inject the unassuming disciple with the venom of spiritual pride. Christ’s disciples began to argue over which one of them would be exalted the greatest in the kingdom of God. Surely, with such a competitive spirit, there was no unity among the disciples. Each disciple was probably planning his next move, sure that he was wise enough to be heard and heeded, trying to impress everyone else with his great words and understanding.

The saddest part may have been that their wisdom would have blinded them from hearing anything of worth that any other disciple had to say. For they would have said in their hearts “I don’t need to hear what this babbler has to say, what does he have on me?” They may even begin to try to sneak a peak at the list of the great Judge who sees all, and try to build up a defense for themselves against other disciples, saying “He talks a good game, but he has many shortcomings and downfalls in the light of God. Why, he doesn’t even know what holiness is, nor does he desire it! I am not like him! I love God MUCH more than he!”

How sad it is for a group of believers to become so blinded by their own pride and haughtiness of spirit that they refuse to hear the words of another or glean from the wisdom of another. Such spirits are poor, wretched beggars, for in denying the words of their fellow disciples, they may very well neglect a word from God. And never could they have any unity with their brothers. Though they pray together, sing together, and worship together, or prophesy together, they could never do so in spirit and in truth, for such a spirit would accept EVERY brother in Christ without respect for persons.

How long has it been since I have worshipped in the spirit? I may measure that moment against the period of time since I was last able to accept every brother in Christ-like love and in unity, forgetting their trespasses, but remembering that the blood that covers their door post is the same blood that covers mine. That the Spirit that moves through them is the same Spirit that moves through me. That the wisdom and fellowship they have tried to share with me was not from the pits of their own dying branches of unrighteousness, but sprung forth from the living vine amongst which they dwell, the same vine of which I am but a fresh, budding twig. When I view every brother in light of Christ and his power to changes hearts in spite of the hardness of those hearts, and when I see each soul in the light of the hope that one day, we will ALL be perfected in Christ, it will be that day that I can worship again with them in unity. Moreover, where that unity dwells, I will then again be able to worship in spirit and in truth. But if that day never comes, and I lift my hands toward heaven without that light, I sin against God, and grieve the Holy Spirit.

“Lord, open mine eyes that I might see your light shining down upon the people you have saved and ordained for your holy calling. For they are your workmanship, and I but dwell among them with the same hope you have laid down upon each soul in which the Holy Spirit dwells.”