Drop the balls!

Posted in By Misti Runyan 0 comments

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

I missed my blog last week. Actually, to be more accurate, I didn't miss it at all-until Sunday evening. A feeling that is all too familiar hits me in the middle of my stomach..."I can't believe I forgot something so important!" Guilt seeps in to the point that I begin to believe I can't do anything right.

I've written in the past about trying to 'have it all'. In today's culture, there's another myth that is just as insidious-trying to 'do it all'. We read the verse above and take it to mean we can do everything. All at once. But that's not what this verse is about at all. Listen to Paul's words just prior to this verse: "for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Phil 4:11b-12.

"I can do all things" isn't about trying to fit in every possible activity. It's about being content with what you have because of Christ's work in your life.

As a mother of a teenage daughter, I see the beginning of the cycle. Sports, social activities, clubs, music lessons, homework, boyfriends...they all add up to zero time for the Lord. Even in the midst of church activities, you can get so caught up in the task at hand that you miss experiencing God. As my teenager's mother, I see that it only gets worse. Job, family, household chores, husband, social activities, chauffeur; and then add to that the items in my children's lists in order to be a successful parent. No wonder I can't keep track of all my appointments!

Why do we do it? For fun? That's a lie we tell ourselves. This roller coaster is not fun; it's exhausting. To keep up with our neighbors and friends? That's so old it's almost a proverb. :P Perhaps we do it to fill our lives with meaning. Unfortunately, that doesn't work either, because by the end of the day, we are too tired to care whether or not we've done anything profound. The truth is that none of it can really give us purpose. That's God's role in our lives, and if we insist on filling every minute of every day with meaningless chaff, we push Him out.

It's time we start being content with less in our lives. Whether that means less money, less comfort, or just less activities, the Lord wants us to examine our lives and remove the things that aren't part of His plan for us. The beautiful thing about this concept that we miss so often is that it doesn't mean we give away everything that pleases us. God does not want to take away our happiness, he wants to increase it.

I love how God reminds me to slow down; to be content with less. I especially love how many times he reminds me; because I need constant vigilance in this area. Satan uses popular culture to tell us we're not good enough or we're not doing enough, and without the Lord's guidance in our lives, we can buy into that.

"Be still and know that I am God"-Psalm 46:10
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope."-Jeremiah 29:11
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”-Matthew 11:28-30
"And He said, 'My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest."-Exodus 33:14
"Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you."-Psalm 116:7

What things in your life are competing for your time with God?
Are you stubbornly holding onto control of something because you don't want to give it up?
When was the last time you evaluated your activities from God's perspective?
Will your happiness be reduced if you drop some of the balls you are juggling?

Let go; give God control. (I know it's easier said than done-believe me.) He's so much smarter than us, He cares for us more than we can ever comprehend, and He can guide us safely through the time between so that we can truly look forward to Heaven with joy and look back at our lives without regret.