Already Gone

Posted in By Mike Johns 2 comments

My wife recently read a book called Already Gone by Ken Ham. It is subtitled "why your kids quit church and what you can do to stop it." While I have not read it, we had many conversations about it and one of the points he makes is that they are gone way before the teenage years when they lose interest. It is a book about world-view and parenting and much more.

We cannot avoid the staggering statistics that say anywhere between 70 and 90% of students that graduate from youth ministry will not be active within 2 years of graduation. It is a stat that hurts me and that is incredibly discouraging to people that work with students. I have found, from many years of ministry, that the students we have engaged have a much better retention rate. Heck, I graduate kids every year and recognize them in our graduates service... and that morning is the first time I have ever met them. Did we lose them? Did we ever have them?

What hurts even more is when we are engaging students, and doing all we can to do something and there is no response. There are so many students who come to church but are not engaged at all. There are as many who we contact regularly, but are simply not interested in God. What is the chance of them walking with Jesus for a lifetime. In my opinion, very little, since they have never started walking with Him.

The call of Jesus is not simply a decision, or an event... it is a lifetime process.

God, give me words to say to students to engage them in worship and in Your Word, and in relationship with the Lord of the universe.