How far will you go?

Posted in By Mike Johns 0 comments

In Mark 2:1-11 we read of four friends who carried their paralytic friend to Jesus.
This is an incredible look at determination, empathy, and concern for a friend. Imagine that... carrying a grown man to Jesus. It's not easy to carry a grown man. They get to the spot where Jesus is teaching and they cannot get in... so they do what any logical thinking friend would. They climb to the roof, and break it open so they can lower thier friend down.
What were some of the obstacles that the men faced?
Some that I think of are: it’s not easy to carry a grown man, it could have been a long walk, there was a great crowd, its not easy carrying anyone up steps, and there was a roof! These obstacles were not a deterrent for the friends.

A person who is developing the heart of God has the same attitude. They are willing to do what it takes to bring their friends to Jesus.
Who are you sharing the good news with today?
What are you willing to do to get them to Jesus?