God WILL Make A Way!

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good morning everyone!
I pray that everyone has had a blessed week. A popular saying among Believers is 'If God brought you to it, He will bring you though it!' And that is very true. We pray all the time for God to shower down His blessings on us, but many times when we receive them, we begin to worry about how we are going to handle them. But I tell you, we don't need to worry. God will provide us with what we need to fulfil our purpose and to use the blessings He sends us.
If God blesses you to have a job, family, ministry, He will give you the strength, energy, knowledge and anything else necessary for you to do His will. All He wants from us is to believe that He is and believe that He can do it ALL!!!
So, when you ask and receive blessings, believe God will provide everything you need to go with those blessings! Don't worry about how you going do anything, God WILL make a way!
Have a blessed day everybody!