The Un-Systematic God

Posted in By Nick Smith 0 comments

We often like to think of God as more of a system than a being. We see that he did something for someone else and wonder why he hasn’t done the same thing for us. We follow the same steps as that other person, do all the same things, but we get different results. But God isn’t a system.

Systems are, by their nature, flawed. Ever heard the term “it slipped between the cracks”? That’s what happens with systems; they have flaws. And unfortunately, it is often real people who slip between the cracks. We see and read about these situations in the news all the time.

But God doesn’t work that way. God specially tailors everything specifically for us. Some might feel that this isn’t fair, but fair and equal are not the same thing. In fact, scripture makes it clear that God does not treat everyone equally. (Luke 14:7-11, Matthew 5:3-12, etc.)

Isn’t it better knowing that we don’t have a system that lets people slip between the cracks, but rather we have a God, a real, all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful, benevolent being looking out for us and treating each of us as a special case?