The Enemy

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone!
The past two weeks have been very interesting for me. I interviewed for a job and didn't get it. A few days later and old friend called and offered me a job, which I very thankfully excepted. I went to pay a bill and I found out that it was not as much as I thought it was going to be. So, needless to say, God has been blessing me.
But, can someone explain to me why when God begins to bless us, the enemy begins to really work. Little things start to happen, things don't go right. In my case, the children in my house lost their minds. So, in turn, I lost mine. Then I began to think about why was this happening, I just had one of the best weeks in a long time and now I was feeling angry, frustrated and hurt. Then it hit me, the enemy. He always shows up when things are going well in your life, just to let you know that he is still around.
So, we always have to be aware of what is really going on around us. We must continuously pray to The Father for strength and guidance. We must completely and totally depend on Him. The moment we stop listening to Him and try to do things on our own, the enemy has us right where he wants us, unfocused, not praying and lost!
Stay prayed-up my Brothas and Sistas, don't let the enemy get you down!
Have a very blessed Mother's Day!!!