Love Me In A Special Way

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone, it has been a beautiful day!
We all want to be loved and excepted for who we are. But, many times we look in the wrong places, remember that song, "Looking for love in all the wrong places, looking for love in too many faces!" That is why we have a 50% divorce rate in this country. We must learn to go to the sorce of love, God. in the Bible it says, "God is Love", so why do we look for it every where else but Him?
We want to feel special, wanted, cared for, all the warm and fuzzy words you can think of, but what we find in the world is cold, hard, and uncomfortable feelings. Go to the Source. He knows how to love you, He created you, so of course He loves you!!! He will give you everything you need. The love and exceptance that we as humans seek so desperately, He has in abundance. So, go to God when you need to feel the love, He has it for you!
Have a very blessed evening everybody!