Calm Down. You Aren't Done Yet.

Posted in By Hannah 0 comments

Days before our big move to our new home, my daughter, Missouri, asked if it was okay to like something now that you once made fun of or even claimed you hated.

I chuckled and reassured her, "Of course, honey. That's called growing up."
"I'm growing up?" She asked.
"Yeah. You should always be growing, learning, and changing. It's a good thing, girly."
"Well, I used to make fun of Kidz Bop, but now I think it's kinda fun."
"That's awesome, Mojo! I used to make fun of blonde girls with a tan," pausing then to awkwardly point out my summer tan-ish skin and bleached blonde mess, "But I guess I'm okay with it now."
We laughed and then Missouri said this gem, "Well, I guess we are growing up together, mom."

Whoa. What an honor. Shouldn't we all feel like we're growing up together? Everyone one of us is growing, learning, changing and streaching into these beautiful things. I mean, some of us have grown a lot, some of us should grow more, but all of us should be excited that we aren't done yet. God is still working on us.

So stop being afraid to change, afraid to grow, afraid to step out and say, "I'm a work in progress. Pardon my mess."

Last week we turned in our keys to the old place and have officially been catapulted (you can read more about that catapult here) into our new home, new community, and well, what feels like a new life. On top of a new house, Mojo started a new school, I started a new job, and my baby boy, Indiana, started his first day of school this week. We are all adjusting to a lot of new. 

Friends, let's not be weird about growing, changing, learning to love the process. We are all going through something, but God's got this. New, old, weird and wild, God is still working in us. This week I want to encourage you that God is not finished with you either, friend. He's got a lot to fix up and finish, so stop being so bogged down with this painfully long renovation process. Sure, you might feel like an ugly mess at the moment, but God is still at work. Be patient. Tell others to be patient. If we're doing this living by faith thing right, we are all growing up together. That's going to get messy, but it's a good thing, girly. God works on, restores, renovates and disciplines the ones He loves. So, catch your breath, get your bearings, put on your hard hat and buckle down this construction zone. God's got work to do. Get out of His way and let Him finish the good He has already started in you.

I have been saying Nehemiah 8:10 a lot lately. I want the joy of the Lord to be my strength. I want to show the States -- Indiana and Missouri -- that even in the midst of chaos, God is our strength, our joy, and our identity. It's fine to grow and change as long as we are ever growing closer to Him. Believers, let's grow and change together, shall we?

Has God been doing a major renovation in your life? Talk about it, sugar. It's a big deal!