Finding Time For Yourself

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My wife and I were having a discussion yesterday about introverts and extroverts. Apparently she heard a conversation on Air 1 between Brant Hansen and producer Sherry. We discussed different party etiquette and what is expected of those who attend. 

We have lively discussions, you should join us sometime.

Long story short, I'm an introvert and my wife is not. 

I am absolutely content to sit in a room quietly with someone. I have a few close friends who I like to open up to but not really any more than that. I just enjoy the quiet, not always, but I do need it regularly.

Sometimes, my job is draining. Now, don't get my wrong, I absolutely love my job. I cannot imagine doing anything else! Working with teens and their families to further the Kingdom of God is so amazing! 

There are times, though, where it seems to go, go, go and there are people around constantly. For instance, we were gone to a youth conference for a week, then home for half a week, went to a wedding weekend with tons of people, and came right back for VBS. 

I loved every moment of all that! It was great to see friends, and to be a part of the spiritual development of all those students! By the end though, I needed a break. 

I need some time for just me, to slow down, collect my thoughts, and regroup. 

I don't need to have conversations about how I'm feeling. I don't need to go hang out with a large group to have a refreshed perspective.

What I need are a few days of some quiet time; just time to myself to sit quietly and reflect. Maybe with some light music playing and a cup of coffee. 

I think that's why I've started getting up at 5am. This is day 3 for me! I go outside for a run or workout right after getting up. As a side note, I feel a little like I'm training to be Batman while I'm running outside while it's still dark.

Then I come back and have about an hour just to myself before the craziness of the day starts. If you are extroverted that may sound like a terrible way to spend the morning. If you are introverted though you may find yourself thinking, "he has reached Nirvana!" 

The point of this post is to encourage introverts. Find a time that you can claim as your own. We don't hate people, we just need time away from them, and that's alright. Take time regularly to regroup so you can keep being the most productive, and helpful, and Christ-like example you can be.

If you are extroverted, try to keep in mind an introvert's space. They may need a little extra every now and then. 

Introverts: What do you do to regroup and become refreshed?

Extroverts: What about you? What kind do you do to blow off steam and become refreshed?