Ways to Keep Social Media from Bogging You Down.

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Social media is exhausting!

There, I said it.

Jenny and I were talking last night about the some of the effects social media has had in our lives.

It is way easier to keep up with people. There was a time when someone moved away and you lost contact with that person. Maybe a random phone conversation was shared, or a letter. For the most part, people moved on.

That's not the case anymore! Moving away? No problem, just seek that person out through social media! For clarity when I say "social media" I'm referring to:

and others.

There..glad I cleared that up.

It is wonderful to be able to keep up with so many people. I enjoy seeing pictures of old friends or hearing about what they are doing now that I am not physically present in their lives.

However, this causes a lot of exhaustion. With social media comes a whole different world of how connected should I be with my "friends/followers?"

Everyone may not agree, but here are a few tips to help you so social media doesn't become overbearing.

You don't have to add everyone. Some people are social media addicts...Sociholics.. Socimedaholics...you get the point. If they meet you one time at that concert and happen to hear your full name, you can guarantee they will have their smart phone out and be sending a friend request before you leave the event. The good news is, you can deny that request. Your social media sites are for you, and you can add or follow who you like, not who others expect you to.

You can set up visual restrictions. Say crazy Great Uncle Clem sends you a friend request and you just can't bring yourself to deny it. The great news about Facebook is your can set up filters so you see as much or as little of what someone posts as you want. If Uncle Clem just posts pictures that say "like this or go to hell" or "President Obama is up to such and such again" and that's not what you want filling your newsfeed, you can go to your settings and never see another post from crazy Great Uncle Clem again. The great news is, he will never know, because you are still friends so no feelings will be hurt.

Happy Birthday notifications. I always get stressed out when I'm reminded of someone's birthday. I wonder "If I won't tell them happy birthday in person, am I still expected to tell them online?" Then when they post a thank you status to all those who wished them a Happy Birthday I think, "they know I didn't! This status is about me!" Chances are they don't know or care. If you won't tell them in person, don't stress out about not telling them through social media.

Please oh please don't get in comment wars. I've seen so many people trying to solve the world's problems through the comment sections of social media. These do not change the opinions of others. It only make you look petty and often ignorant. Just don't do it. Have a discussion through a one on one message with someone. Talk with a person face to face. Don't try to argue all the points through comments. It just doesn't work the way you think it will.

Social media is meant to be a tool. Use the forms of social media you have for you. Use them to update family and friends on your life. Use it to promote your blog or some project you are working on. It is there to use as you see fit. As Christians we should use it as another way to shine the light of Christ (make sure you are doing that in "real life" too though, and not just through a computer screen).

Have fun with social medias. Shine the light of Christ with them.

Don't let them bog you down.