God's Call to Service

Posted in By Hammer on Anvil 0 comments

This week is the start of Hammer on Anvil having guest bloggers on Sundays.  If you would be interested in being a guest blogger, just let us know by leaving a comment (btw, leaving a comment should be easier now since the settings have been changed).  This week's guest is Daniel Palmer from Concordia, MO.

Hello, my name is Daniel.It looks like I may post some stuff here on the
anvil from time to time. I wanted to follow up on what Mike wrote on August
4th. I was actually just going to post a comment but was not computer savvy
enough to figure that out so here we are.

Concerning God's calling in a person's life, I like what my New Testament
professor at MBTS, Eric Turner had to say on this topic. Something along
these lines..... "People are always wondering what God's calling is for
their life is. Well, here it is; read your Bible, pray, serve in a church,
and preach the Gospel. You get busy doing those things and the rest will
fall into place."

Maybe that does not sound real exciting but I would have to say it's the
truth. Looking at my own life, every ministry or "calling" that I have ever
been apart of branched from these spiritual disciplines. In high school I
started serving as a door greeter at church, then I lead a Bible study in
high school, following high school I lead small group studies with some pro
wrestlers, then taught children's church, and now I serve in youth ministry
and go to seminary. I believe God is not going to call someone until they
are fulfilling their current calling of being a disciplined disciple of His
Son and serving right were they are.

No act of service should be looked at as too small. Just start serving.
Maybe you can bake something for an upcoming church dinner, go on your
church's mission trip, get involved in a Christmas ministry your church is
doing, just do something. Your "calling" will then fall into place and God
will reveal to you the next step in your life. I have seen too many people
become dissatisfied with where they are and where they are serving because
they thing God has some big "super calling" in their life. God may have
something big planned for you but until you start doing the small things he
puts in your path right now, you will never see it. It's the little things
that prepare you for the big things.