Worth it

Posted in By Brett T Kelley 0 comments

My last two posts have talked about cost. Salvation--often advertised as "free"--had a heavy cost that was paid in full by Christ. The cost of following Jesus, is a little harder to pin point what it will entail for each individual. Growing up as a pastor's kid, I didn't have to think or worry about this. All my friends were Christians, so no worries there. Reading books like Voice of the Martyrs and hearing other stories/testimonies made me think of the cost at times, but none had the impact that *Reba's story did.

Last year, I went to a baptism service at a local church. Several people were to be baptized, but there was one that stood out among the rest. Before baptizing Reba, the pastor asked her if he could briefly tell part of her story. She assented, and the pastor told how she had a Muslim background and had decided to follow Jesus. Her decision caused a stir in her family. Her father instructed her to turn away from what she was deciding. If she continued and was baptized, thereby publicly declaring herself to be a Christian, a follower of Christ, they would cut ties with her. By being there that night, she had decided to continue following Jesus and be baptized. For that, she lost her laptop, her car, her apartment, and even her family. A lot to give up...yet there she was...and without hesitation was baptized.

As I heard this, it struck me more powerfully than ever...what did it cost me? what have I ever really had to sacrifice to be a follower of Jesus? I'm familiar with stories of people who stopped using drugs when they became a Christian and now there life is better because of it...but this girl's life was made more difficult by her decision. She wasn't sacrificing something evil, but rather her family and stuff we take for granted everyday. Was it worth the cost?

So the question I've been getting to: is it worth it? Would we sacrifice everything, as long as we can have Jesus? If in the end, we have Him...would that be enough? I leave you with that question, is it worth it? May you continue to think on it and wonder, as I do. For the answer I hope you shall find as well, is an emphatic Yes!

This video points to some of what I've talked about, plus he uses humor, so enjoy.
*Reba is not her actual name.