Next week on U62, he's back and he's mad- Gandhi II

Posted in By Red Beard 1 comments

Be the change you wish to see in the world. Ole Gandhi was a pretty wise guy. I'm pretty done with hearing from friends or prominent pastors at some little C churches about how badly the big C church in America or around the corner or that they attended last week is doing. Duh we're sinners and put enough of us together and we're bound to mess up. So Instead of pointing out faults and failures of those around us why don't we consider just for a second our own walk. How is the life I'm living going to change the set of circumstances about me that I've allowed myself to become so angry about or worked up about? The gospel is about walking in life and while I'm not advocating accepting wrongs in the world or glazing over the sinfulness of mankind I am advocating shutting up for two seconds and putting some dad gum actions behind our words. Do you feel a sense of community at your church and if not what are some practical steps you can take and keep taking to see that change? Do you feel angry about some injustice, well first things first make sure the anger isn't rotting your insides and that Christ's love is your motivation then look for some way to contribute towards setting the situation right. If you feel hopeless about the state of America or the apathetic nature of your church, then maybe it's time to grab hold of whoever is around to join with you in prayer as often as you can, pray that town you're in up one side and down the other. The point is no matter how small or unlikely to have impact that your action may seem to be that it doesn't mean you shouldn't still do it. Radical change and personal revival begins somewhere and it's definitely not in complaining and pointing out how terrible of a job everyone else is doing. May your life exude so much fruit of the spirit that people would flock to whatever cause you're leading in and the ways that God is continuously using you. If the work is of the Lord then he'll use it and you may be fortunate enough to see the work grow from small to large. However the return on your work may not be noticeable in this life and instead maybe He just wants to see how faithful you're truly going to be in the small things here on earth. I'm not a sports guy, but Nike has their motto right. Just do it.