Jesus Died For This?

Posted in By Mike Johns 0 comments

A person who is DEVELOPING A HEART FOR GOD is one who is growing. They are seeking to live a fulfilled life in Christ.

Yet, in many areas we struggle with the same sins that we have struggled with for years... and if we are not careful, we will end up 20, 30, 40, 50 years down the road and still struggling with the same sins we have always struggled with.

The Word says that when a man is in Christ, he is a new creation - the old is gone, the new has come.
Some things change instantly, while some sin is harder to let go of.

God wants you to live a full, abundant life. Part of that is letting go of the things that are holding you back in your walk with God.

My friend Joey challenged me with this quote - I am not sure what book he found it in, or I would give proper credit... but here goes...
"One of thecharacteristics of a Christian is the ability to control certain appetites inlife, and through God to change behavior to look more like Jesus."

The follow up question pierced my heart - What has changed in your life recently to look more like Jesus?

Jesus died for you to live life fulfilled.

Don't be that guy who is still struggling at 45 with what you struggled with when you were 15.