The Waiting Game

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good Morning Everyone!

Who went and waited in line for something they wanted on Thanksgiving night? I did, I was in the store for over three hours waiting and only got a couple of things I wanted. Normally, I don't like to wait for anything, but the thought of a bargin on something that I wanted, made all the difference.

So, then why is it so hard for us to wait on God? He is our Heavenly Father and has nothing but our best interest at heart. He will provide what we need and give us what we want in His time. But we become impaitent and try to make things happen on our own. Only to cause more problems and heartache for ourselves. Instead of waiting to see where God leads us, we go off in our own direction and wind up at a dead end.

We are on a journey that we have never been on before, but God has. He has traveled through your life, He knows the beginning, middle, and the end. Don't run ahead of your Father, you don't know where you are going, He does. Wait on Him.

Have a very blessed Saturday everybody!
