Loss of friends Part 1

Posted in By Brett T Kelley 1 comments

Growing up, I moved schools/towns a handful of times, each time different from the last. The hardest part was trying to make new friends, especially once I reached high school. In elementary, you pick on the same girls and you're one of the boys; doesn't quite work as a teenager. Anyway, at that point I didn't care about making many friends because I knew it wouldn't be long before I would graduate and move on, so I did not see much point in getting to know a lot of people.
This has made me wonder and now I ask you: We notice the loss of friends, is it therefore worth the pain of making friends, just to lose them later? Are relationships (romantic and platonic) worth investing in when they open us up to a world of hurt? Is community worth pursuing when having to deal with people we may not like?

What do you think? How would you respond?

"All my intimate friends abhor me, and those whom I loved have turned against me." Job 19:19
