Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good morning everyone!
We all like to be comfortable. As soon I get home I like to put on my sweats. My nieces take a bath and put on their pjs as soon as we are in for the night, sometimes that is at 4 in the afternoon! Whatever it is, we all like to be comfortable.
Unfortunately, many times, sins are comfortable. Guilty pleasures, such as shows we shouldn't watch, or music that shouldn't be playing in our cars. Gossiping, spreading rumors, relationships that aren't healthy for us, all become comfortable to us.
But we are new creatures in Christ Jesus, ALL things are new and old things are put away. So, what is comfortable, sin, has to go when we begin our relationship with God. We pray for guidence, for God to show us the way He wants us to go. Often times His way is uncomfortable to us. It takes us out of our comfort zones. When this occurs we do one of two things, 1) we revert back to our old ways and try to hide from God or 2) we pray and trust Him completely to guide us in our new walk with Him!
Get out of your comfort zone today and walk in the light, the beautiful light!!!
Have a very blessed weekend everybody!!!