Most Viewed of April 2012

Posted in By Hammer on Anvil 0 comments

This month we are starting a new tradition of re-visiting the most viewed posts of the month.  Hammer on Anvil has six regular contributors who each post on a certain day of the week.  Here is each person's most viewed post from April:

Monday - Beware the Connotative Word
Nick Smith discusses the differences between denotative and connotative meanings of words and how that distinction applies to reading the Bible.

Tuesday - Delight Yourself in the Lord
Patty Kennedy shares about the anniversary of a date 22 years ago when her and her husband trusted in the Lord even when times got rough.

Wednesday - Love God, Love Persons
Brett Kelley looks at the church slogan "Love God, Love People" and encourages us to look deeper to see the true Biblical sentiment behind the slogan.

Thursday - Nobody Wants to Die
Mike Johns urges us all to consider what Jesus means when he tells us to take up our cross and follow him.

Friday - Contradiction?
Misti Runyan examines two Biblical verses that appear at first to offer a contradiction about God's character.

Saturday - Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Cheryl Huston encourages us all to get out of our comfort zone and walk with God.

Sunday - Guests Posts
Here's your chance!  Has God placed something on your heart that would benefit the rest of His Church?  We would love to help you share that message!  Hammer on Anvil reserves most Sundays for occasional guest bloggers.  If you would be interested in contributing, just let us know by leaving a comment on this post and a way to contact you.  We hope to hear from you soon!  God bless!