Pass the bubblewrap

Posted in By Brett T Kelley 1 comments

What's the difference between being childlike and acting childish? Often we view being child-like as a good thing, but acting childish is often used as a criticism of someone; typically associated with "act your age." Though I'm 24, every so often these phrases are directed at me (luckily childlike more than childish). My interaction with children is almost as a peer instead of an adult. The pranks I pull and jokes I laugh at are often childish. Yes, I'll laugh at a fart, a pun, cartoons, or popping bubble wrap. I'm easily amused with a hackeysack or spinning quarters on a table to entertain me and another kid. I'm comforted in my "lack of maturity" by Matt. 18:3, I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Also by the following quote of Willy Wonka (author: Roald Dahl) "A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men."

Like most times when I share stuff, I get asked what's my point. For all my childlike-ness in being easily amused, I'm concerned with how easily I'm satisfied. The problem here is a far more dangerous and subtle difference. While a child is easily amused by something simple and wants it over and over and over and over and over (once more) and over again, this is a far cry from an adult's satisfaction with how things are, how we are. What about continuing to search, explore, grow? Where's the curiosity, the adventure, the wonder? These are the questions I've been asking myself lately. Have I grown up too much in some ways?
Wonder is a strange and elusive state of mind. We know it when we have it. We talk about it as if we all know what we mean. We wish we could hold on to it forever. yet we have consigned nostalgia to the days of childhood and fairy tales. The world then was one to be conquered. We were going to soar to heights and breathe new air...Fatigue, care, worry, mistakes recognized, and yes, even farewells now evict the marvel of what we once envisioned. ---Ravi Zacharias, Recapture the Wonder

"LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known"