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What Did He Mean?

Posted in By Unknown 0 comments

My wife and I were reading our Bible together and doing a little discussing. I don't even remember why, but I looked at her and said "All things are possible with God!"

She answered, "that is not what that verse means. It's talking about salvation."

This got us thinking about all the verses people use out of context...but I'm getting ahead of myself.

The Bible is a group of letters or historical records written for or to certain groups of people. When reading the Bible it is so very important for us to remember that. Because it is true that "All Scripture is God-breathed" (2 Tim 3:16), not all Scripture quite applies to our lives the same way.

Take, for instance, at the end of the second letter we have that Paul wrote to Timothy. In chapter 4 verse 13 he says, "When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments." It would be ridiculous for us to try and track down the coat, scrolls, and parchments and then try to find Paul. This verse is one that we simply do not follow. It would be taking the verse out of context.

There are others though, that we don't think as much about. Like the "All things are possible with God" verse. Jesus is talking about who would be saved, and he says its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven. This really freaks the disciples out and they ask, "Who then can be saved?"

Jesus replies, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." So many times we forget the context. Jesus is saying it is absolutely impossible for a person to save themselves or for someone to be saved without the hand of God. But God can save anyone!

Now, it may be true that when we align ourselves with God's will, He will make things possible for us that are otherwise impossible, but I'm not sure this is the verse to use to prove it.

It is so important for us to keep in mind the AIM, or the Author's Intended Meaning. This will actually help us understand Scripture so much more and can help us live our lives closer to what God desires. Sometimes it is more difficult, but any journey or adventure worth doing is always a little difficult. 


Posted in By Nick Smith 0 comments

Adjectives are words that describe something.  A person can be old or young, short or tall, nice or mean, silly or serious, etc.  Objects can be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple, and they can be square, circular, or triangular.

When we look at the adjectives that describe people, we find that many of them are subjective; they only work when the person being described can be compared to other people.  When you call a person tall, you’re not truly saying that they are tall; you are saying that they are tall compared to others.  If they were not taller than others, you would not describe them as tall.  This is the case of many (but not all) of the adjectives that we use to describe ourselves.

There are a few points I want to make with this.

Firstly, God gives everyone gifts and He delights in variety.  If you want to know of several ways that God delights in you, simply compile a list of adjectives about yourself.  Some people are funny, witty, and popular.  Others may be shy, smart, and introverted.  These traits are neither good nor bad.  God uses all of them and He delights in all of them.

Picture a scale with one trait on one end and its opposite on the other end (i.e. short/tall, serious/silly, introverted/extroverted).  God didn’t make us all the same.  That would be boring and we’d probably drive each other crazy.  God took all of those scales and he chose what would make up you – the unique combination that would make you special.

We sometimes look at these traits that God has given us and assign values to them.  Maybe we think it’s better to be tall than short or better to be popular than shy.  But God doesn’t view it that way.  He doesn’t make anything second rate.  To illustrate my point, consider Down Syndrome.  Many people consider Down Syndrome to be some horrible disease, but you know what?  I don’t know that I have ever seen a person with Down Syndrome who was not smiling.  I wish to God that I was that happy.  What a blessing.

My second point is this: since adjectives are used to compare ourselves to others, we need to be cautious that we do not become prideful.  We all have some trait or skill that exceeds other people.  If you want to keep your pride in check, just change who you’re comparing yourself to.  Instead of comparing yourself to others, compare yourself to God.  Now what adjectives can be used to describe you?  Certainly nothing flattering.

Lastly, there are some adjectives that don’t require comparisons.  You can describe a tomato as red without comparing it to a carrot.  When these adjectives are used with people, they describe our shared humanity.  We have all been sad, afraid, worried, and defeated and we have all been happy, courageous, calm, and victorious.  We need to never forget that we are all God’s children.  We are all sinful and need Jesus Christ.

Who knew that there was so much we could learn from a single type of word?

Hold On!

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone!
It has been a glory filled day in church for me.
Waiting, it is a hard thing to do. Nobody really likes to wait on anything. We want it right now, when we order food, get our car fixed or go to the movies, we want instant gratification. Many of us have become that way with God too. As I sat in church this afternoon, I began to think about all of the things that God promised to me and then I began to wonder, "When will these promises come to pass?" Immediately the scripture,...wait upon the Lord...came to my mind. God's time is not our time, His ways are not our ways. He does things differently than we would. And thank goodness He does!!! Can you imagine if we did everything the way we wanted how much more our lives would be messed up!!! I know my life would have definitely taken a different path!
So, I'm glad to wait on God to fulfil His promises in my life. I know that it will be well worth the wait!
Good night, sweet dreams and God bless!!! Love ya'll!!!

Built to Last

Posted in By Mike Johns 0 comments

We all like things that are built to last.  I am currently shopping for a new car.  My wife went off-roading amongst trees in the median of the highway a couple weeks ago.  She walked away without a scratch, but the car was not so fortunate.

So, now, the search begins.  We always are looking for bigger, better things.  We always look for something that will last.  

I am challenged this week by 1 Peter 1:24-25.  
All flesh is like grass and all it's glory like the flower of grass.  The grass withers and the flower fades, but the word of the Lord remains forever.

A wise man told me you can only take two things with you after this life:  God's Word & Friends.  

Let's be intentional today to love God's word and love those around us.

Listening in Action, Not Just in Word

Posted in By Unknown 0 comments

I have a two year old son.
He is absolutely amazing. 
I cannot imagine life without him. 

There, I got that out of the way, now to start with a story. This evening we were doing like we do every evening before putting Noah to bed. He had just finished watching a little "winding down" TV and it was now time to pick up some toys. 

But tonight, that is not what he wanted to do. I don't know if it was just because he was a little more tired than usual or he wasn't feeling well or what it was, but he began to cry. I said "alright, let's pick up." and the sobbing and defiance started. 

Only, it was just defiance in words. He kept saying "No...Noooooo...No..." over and over but was going around picking up his toys. It actually made me smile a little bit. Then I thought of a parable that Jesus told found in Matthew 21. 

28 “But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, ‘Son, go work today in the vineyard.’ 29 And he answered, ‘I will not’; but afterward he regretted it and went. 30 The man came to the second and said the same thing; and he answered, ‘I will, sir’; but he did not go. 31 Which of the two did the will of his father?” They said, “The first.” Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you that the tax collectors and prostitutes will get into the kingdom of God before you. 32 For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him; but the tax collectors and prostitutes did believe him; and you, seeing this, did not even feel remorse afterward so as to believe him.
God has called us to a new life in Christ. As Christians we are no longer to live in the sinful ways we lived before. And good works may not be able to save us, we are saved to do good works. There is just no getting around it.

We cannot sit idly by and think to ourselves "well I accepted Christ as my Savior, now I can live however I want." God is asking us to go into the fields and help with the harvest. According to Jesus "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." We must go!

One son tried to look good in just words but he is not the son here who was praised. Both sons did the opposite of what they said they would do, but the first actually did the will of the Father.

What is God calling you to do today? Do not put it off until tomorrow. There are people in your life right now who need to know the love of Christ. There are those who need forgiveness, hope, salvation, or even a friend. Stop plugging your ears to shut out the voice of the Father. Instead, listen to his voice and follow his commands.

We are promised blessing for following. We are told to love because He first loved us. Show that love today, by the living out of your faith. Go work in the field.

Ugg! Really Nestle & Hershey's chocolate, you need child slaves?

Posted in By Nick Smith 0 comments

Sesha here!

So this girl, had no idea that chocolate and child slaves were such an issue!  How could cocoa beans growing all the way over in the Ivory Coast affect us here in the Midwest?  They do, so sadly they do!

I came across a blog post about the issue and a video that the BBC did on child slaves and chocolate.

Yes, it's kind of debby-downer, but step-by-step we can make a difference!

Here also is link to the guide that tells us what companies use slaves.


Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone!
It was certainly a beautiful Saturday here in Mid-Missouri! I hope you enjoyed your day today.
Have you ever been working on an important document only to loose the whole thing because you didn't take the time to hit the save button every few minutes? I have and it is very frustrating and disappointing to realize all your hard work was in vain. Now they have something called automatic save where your computer saves your words for you every once in awhile. My computer is doing it for me as I type this entry.
This got me to thinking, is it like that for our souls? Are we automatically saved? The answer is not really clear. We first have to believe that God is, then we must accept His Son Jesus as our personal Savior and confess our sins. If we do that, then automatically we are saved. It is nothing we can buy or do for ourselves, salvation is a gift from God Himself. "I'm so glad that Jesus saved me, I'm not what I used to be, thank God that now I'm free, I'm so glad that Jesus saved me!!!"
Believe + Accept + Confess = Saved!!!! Praise Him!!!
Have a very blessed evening everybody!!! Love ya'll!!!

Turtles, Purpose, etc!

Posted in By Mike Johns 0 comments

Many times, I get asked questions about why I do what I do.

There is a saying in the south that goes: "If you ever see a turtle on a fencepost, you know one thing for sure... he didn't get there by himself."

The turtle is dependent on someone or something to get on the fencepost.

I guess the reason I work with Youth I simply because God has told me to.  I mean, what would I be if God wasn't there?  If it were up to me, I'd probably be an assassin or something! ;)  It's really my job to shepherd students, and to encourage them in their walk with Christ.

Trust me.... there are times of great frustration, and of wondering why God would want me where I am at.  Youth Ministry is a position that lacks appreciation, and that can - at times - leave me banging my head up against the wall.  But I trust Him, and strive to depend on him.  I care because I know that God has a plan for you---plans to prosper you and not to harm you--- to give you a hope and a future.  see Jeremiah 29:11-13...

See there are times when I feel like I am just spinning my wheels, and going no where.  But God is faithful to bring young people in my life who encourage, and who  I can see God working in their life.

Couple observations about the turtle... and then I am out!
First, the turtle is totally dependent.
Second, The turtle, if left on the post, will die.  I think there is a parallel there to our being dead to self <gal. 2:20> we need to be totally dependent
Third, the turtle didn't get there by himself - he needed a hand, he needed help.  We do to.  We need help, and we need a hand.  We each need to find others who will hold us accountable, and walk hand-in-hand with us in our journey with Christ.

Love Notes

Posted in By Nick Smith 0 comments

Sesha here!  Nick's still right in the middle of intense pilot stuff...eeek!  My heart is not geared towards that kind of responsibility.

I thought I share a wee something that I've been seeing out and about the last several years.  This started back when I was in a season of struggle and heartbreak, and the Lord revealed himself so sweetly, just when I needed it.  It was like he was saying "Sesha...I love you!"

Anytime I've seen one of these, it's been such a natural response to say: "I love you too!"

May you see & hear the Lords love all around you, each and everyday in the way that your heart has been created to hear it!

You Must Trust in Him

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone!
It is a lovely stormy Saturday evening and God has been blessing all week.
If you want abundant blessings from God, YOU MUST TRUST HIM. If you don't trust Him with every part of your life, you will never experience the abundant life that God has for you.
Many people look for financial blessing, especially in hard economic times like these, but God can bless you in many different ways, good health, happy marriage, loving children. These are blessings also that many people take for granted until they loose them.
You must always be thankful for everything you have in your life, because you never know when like Job, your faith will be tested. Brother Job lost everything, absolutely everything, but 'In all this, Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.' Job 1:22 I sing a song in church called 'It's Only A Test' and it talks about keeping your faith and not giving up because it is only a test that we are going through. You must trust God through all of your tests and trials. For He is the only One that will be with you until the end. He is a friend that sticks closer than brother.
Thank You Lord for being with me these 44 years and for seeing me through many dark and stormy nights. I will trust in the Lord til I die!!! Amen!!!
Have a very blessed night and God bless you all!!!

A Servant’s Heart

Posted in By Misti Runyan 0 comments

Gal 5:13-For you were called to freedom, brothers; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
     In Philippians, Paul talks about Jesus’ willing sacrifice of service to mankind. Chapter 2, verses 6-7 say this:  “who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of man.” Jesus set the example for us. And if we truly have Him in our hearts and lives, then service is our truest desire.

     A true servant’s heart is not something that can be turned off and on at will. Evidence of a servant’s heart will spill out of you wherever you go. Probably, names come easily to your mind of people in your church who have a servant’s heart.  They are the people who are always gracious, always willing to jump in and help in any situation. They are the people who embrace God’s will for their lives, and use their gifts to God’s glory.
     Much emphasis is put these days on international missions. There is always availability to sign up for a short-term mission trip to Mexico, China, or elsewhere. While I agree that this is important, I believe we are missing something. In Acts 1:8, Jesus instructs this: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”  Many American Christians today are doing a great job serving their Samaria and "ends of the earth", but are completely missing their Jerusalem. Think about this: When was the last time you served your home church? Your youth group? Your family?
     People don’t expect others to serve them. We live in a selfish, self-serving world. When we as Christians refuse to conform, and instead, put others’ needs ahead of our own wants and desires, we make people think. We make them wonder why we would make a sacrifice for them. And the people who know us best; who know our selfish inner person, will be the most impacted by our service. 

      And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25


Posted in By Mike Johns 0 comments

Psalm 40 is one of the most engaging Psalms for me.
U2 was fond of it too as they put one of their more popular songs out with those lyrics.

Look here at the first 3 verses of it in The Message:

I waited and waited and waited for God.
    At last he looked; finally he listened.
He lifted me out of the ditch,
    pulled me from deep mud.
He stood me up on a solid rock
    to make sure I wouldn’t slip.
He taught me how to sing the latest God-song,
    a praise-song to our God.
More and more people are seeing this:
    they enter the mystery,
    abandoning themselves to God.

It's a beautiful thing when God lifts us up out of our worst spot and sits our feet upon the solid rock.  

There is something holy about rock bottom.
... there is nowhere to go but up.

Let's abandon ourselves and cling to God today.

Don't Forsake the Assembly

Posted in By Unknown 0 comments

I actually wrote this post back in January for my blog site. It has continued to be a favorite of mine and people often search for this topic so there is regular traffic to it. I hope that you find it encouraging!

Last night we had our first Youth Group meeting for the year. I had been excited about it all day. This is what I thrive doing! All the office work, reading, and preparing I do is all for this. It is great to have parents come drop their kids off (or they actually drive on their own!) to come participate in a conversation about God.

As I was preparing for this lesson I thought about how much I missed having our Sunday and Wednesday night meetings.
It was not that I missed going to the building. I go there just about everyday. Even if it is just for a few minutes or a couple hours on Saturday, I usually show up.

I missed gathering together with other believers and getting into God's word together. I missed the discussions and the questions. I missed the passion that others bring to the table and the ideas that they have about putting God's word into practice.
I am so glad that we were not one of the churches that did not have services on Christmas and/or New Years Day. I would have felt so deprived.

But it got me thinking about why going to church is important. What's so important about going to some building we have made or picked out and meeting with all these other people? Here are some reasons why going to meet with other believers, going to church, matters.

We were not meant to be alone. In the very beginning God made Adam. Yet the creation was not finished. God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone, so He crafted for him a mate. Now I know this account is used for marriage, as it should be, but the message is clear: we are not meant to be alone! Even if we are married, we still need other relationships. As men we need other men to go hang out with and do manly stuff with or talk about manly things. The same is true for women. The church provides those kinds of relationships.

cannot figure it all out on our own. The Bible is a book that people have been trying to completely figure out for roughly 2000 years. As we read it there may be times we come across a passage that we do not completely understand. This is where a preacher or even another Christian friend comes in handy. They can come along side us to explain a verse. They can also help us to discern what it is God wants for the next stage in our lives. They can pray for us and with us. They challenge us to trust in God.

The early church was doing it. In the book of Acts we are told of the activities of the early church. One verse that stands out is Acts 2:46. It says, "Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart". They actually were meeting in the temple and in each others houses on a daily basis! Can we really not get up to meet with others one or two days a week? How selfish!

The Bible commands that we do it. In Hebrews 10:25 we are told to not stop meeting together. It is really quite straight forward. Meeting together at the assembly is something that the writer of Hebrews commanded that his readers do. When we do something that the Bible commands us not to or when we don't do something the Bible commands that is called a sin. So by forsaking the gathering together we would be sinning. To give up church because you don't think you need it week after week would be a habitual sin.
I know a lot of people who claim they do not need to go meet with other believers. They can be great Christians all on their own. So rather than spending Sunday or Wednesday going to gather with other believers they spend it sleeping in or doing an activity that they just want to put above God.

I understand that no church is perfect. When you get a group of people to meet together regularly there is going to be conflict from time to time. There are going to be sins found out.

But for us to look at a command in the Scriptures and turn our noses up to it because we just don't want to listen is wrong. There is a book by Joshua Harris called Why Church Matters. If you are struggling with this issue I would highly suggest you read it.

The Church is the Bride of Christ. He loves it so much. I cannot get along with someone who loves me but hates my wife. How can we hate the Bride of our Savior?
What other reasons do you have for going to meet with other believers?

Love Always

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone!
It has been a great week, very busy!
In my busyness this week, I thought about how busy God is. He takes care of every single thing in the universe, EVERYTHING!!! That is a huge job. And yet, He is always there for me, whenever I need Him, whenever I call on Him, He is there. It is just amazing, He is amazing.
Then I thought, not only is He always there for me, but He is always there for everybody! You, me, everybody. God is truly the greatest love I have ever known. His love is greater than my parents, family or friends. He has never disappointed me , let me down or failed me. I know that I can always count on Him. For this I say Thank You Lord, I love You with all my heart. I don't know what I would do without You in my life.
Have a very blessed weekend and God bless you all!!!


Posted in By Misti Runyan 0 comments

I have recently been reading two very similar, very thought-provoking books that have challenged how I look at my relationship with Christ. These authors have made me look at how my faith comes out in action, and evaluate areas of my life I'm withholding from Jesus. They have given me a different perspective on things such as tithing and devotion to the Lord.

One thing that disturbs me, however, is the area of suffering. Much is made of the concept of suffering for Christ in these pages. Each author, in his own way, asks the question, "What has loving Jesus cost you lately?" The question evokes images of continued suffering throughout the life of a Christian. In my estimation, it conjures up the idea that if I'm not in a bad way, I'm not in a true relationship with Christ.

I wholeheartedly agree with Luke 9:23 in which Jesus says, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me." Denying self is, to me, the crux of Christianity-we must be buried to our own desires and allow Jesus to live through us. I just don't believe that Jesus wants His disciples to experience lives of depression and pain. Let me tell you why:

Psalm 37:4-Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

John 10:10-The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

Psalm 23:1-3-The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

There are numerous other references in the Bible to support the idea that Christ did not come to make us suffer.  Not that our lives would be continually happy and worry-free; that is an impossible goal for a sinful human living in a fallen world. Plus, the Lord spells out that relationship with Him does not equate a free pass: For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.-Galatians 5:13. God gives us balance. "Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning."

Perhaps I make too much of what these authors are saying. That being said, if my mind has gone to this place, surely others have as well. Maybe I'm not the only person who needs to be reminded that what these authors have spelled out for us are not the only words the Bible has to say. The love of Christ is deep enough that it covers us with peace and joy. Sometimes those elements will be forced to overshadow suffering, but as it comes from the Almighty, I'd say it's well up to the task.

Bikini Basketball Association

Posted in By Mike Johns 0 comments

I want to share a blog that I follow today.

I think Jonathan makes has some good thoughts.  He has also written a lot of good stuff on youth culture.
We must build our girls up to have value in who they are as God's daughters.  We are in a battle with the culture.
Have a look:

Bikini Basketball Association
“Have to play basketball well… and you have to look good in a bikini.”
Sexualization of our women at its finest.
If you’ve heard me speak to parents or you’ve read my blog for even a little while, then you’ve probably heard me mention the sexualization of our young girls. “Sexualization” is what theAmerican Psychological Association describes as, when a person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behavior, to the exclusion of other characteristics. In other words, forget skill, academic ability or personal character… are you sexy?!!
Well, I think the Bikini Basketball Association just added another example to the list. This video tells it all:
My favorite line is, “What’s next, bikini beach volleyball?”

Your Past Does Not Define Your Future

Posted in By Unknown 0 comments

I have found myself sucked into a new show this Fall. It is called Revolution. I'm a sucker for adventure, and the whole idea of all the power going off and civilization as we know it being redefined absolutely has me on the edge of my seat.

In this week's episode we found out that one of the main characters was one of the founders of the Monroe Militia (the military run, self-proclaimed government and salvation for all). Years prior he had realized his mistake and turned away from that life. He saw the monster he helped make and refused to live that way anymore.

After finding this out, some of the other characters still treated him like he was a terrible person. My wife and I were confused. We kept telling the TV (don't pretend you don't do this) that he was a changed man!

Chances are, you have been on one side or the other of this kind of situation. Either there has been someone in your life who used to live one way and now they don't but you have difficulty seeing passed their past. Or, you have changed and someone else has difficulty seeing you as anything but who you used to be.

It is really easy for us to listen to the voices, either from others of our own, that tell us the mistakes we have made in the past define who we are now. Too often I have talked with others who have said things like, "I wish I didn't live this way but that is just who I am I guess."

We too easily listen to the lie that tells us we are worthless because of the mistake we have made. This is not the message of Christ! 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" We are more than the sum of our mistakes.

We must start living differently and believe that we are no longer who we were before. The woman who had lived in sin believed this. This belief is what led her to wash the feet of Jesus. She didn't continue living in her sin, even though that is exactly what everyone expected her to do. Instead, she went to Jesus, weeping because of the person she had been, but decided to serve Christ. 

Leave the old life in the past where it belongs. You no longer live like that. You are a new creation.

Something that sounds a little cheesy but actually works is telling yourself everyday you are who you want to be. Let me give you an example. If I weigh 210 lbs (still being the modest 5'6 I am) but I have made the goal of running a 5K in under 30 minutes and I want to lose 50 lbs then I need to start telling myself, "I am a runner." I need to change my entire mindset. "I am a healthy person." This is not so I can live in some delusional state, but so I can begin living the life of a runner or healthy person. It is the same way with our walk with Christ.

I am a new creation.

I have been saved by grace.

I am no longer a slave to sin.

I am a godly example to my wife and kids.

I am a Youth Minister who is in the Word for my spiritual growth daily.

By telling myself these things, it is easier for me to believe them and to actually live them out. I am not the person I used to be, and that person does not define who I am today. My identity comes from Christ and today I live for Him.

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