Hold On!

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone!
It has been a glory filled day in church for me.
Waiting, it is a hard thing to do. Nobody really likes to wait on anything. We want it right now, when we order food, get our car fixed or go to the movies, we want instant gratification. Many of us have become that way with God too. As I sat in church this afternoon, I began to think about all of the things that God promised to me and then I began to wonder, "When will these promises come to pass?" Immediately the scripture,...wait upon the Lord...came to my mind. God's time is not our time, His ways are not our ways. He does things differently than we would. And thank goodness He does!!! Can you imagine if we did everything the way we wanted how much more our lives would be messed up!!! I know my life would have definitely taken a different path!
So, I'm glad to wait on God to fulfil His promises in my life. I know that it will be well worth the wait!
Good night, sweet dreams and God bless!!! Love ya'll!!!